I have started using Pligg for one of my new projects and I am going to jot down the technical problems I come across while using it, for my own refernce and for the benefit of others using Pligg.
One of the issues I came across was that the comment rating did not work in Safari with the ygetblue template. After some searching, I came accross this article, whick works for a different template. So after some tweaking, I modified the code in comment_show.tpl (line 7-22) to this:
{if $Enable_Comment_Voting eq 1}
{#PLIGG_Visual_Comment_Rating#}: {$comment_votes}
{if $comment_user_vote_count eq 0 && $current_userid neq $comment_author}| {#PLIGG_Visual_Comment_Rate_Comment#}: +
{if $UseAvatars neq "0"}
{#PLIGG_Visual_Comment_WrittenBy#} {$user_username} {$comment_age} {#PLIGG_Visual_Comment_Ago#} {if $comment_votes lt 0} - {#PLIGG_Visual_Comment_Show_Hide#} {#PLIGG_Visual_Comment_This_Comment#} {/if}
Basically place the span “comment-head” at the top
and now comment rating in Safari works like a charm!