findAndModify is not supported by the current version of the PHP MongoDB driver, so I had to use the following code
$feed = $db->command(array('findAndModify' => 'feedList', 'query' => array('$where' => new MongoCode('
return ((this.inProgress == false)
|| (currentTime >= (this.lastUpdated + this.updateFrequency))));
}', array('currentTime' => $start))), 'update' => array('$set' => array('inProgress' => true))));
- $db = Database handle
- ‘feedList’ = Name of the Collection(Table)
- inProgress, currentTime,updateFrequency and lastUpdated are some keys
- $start = a MongoDate Obj
Essentially I am locking a document(set ‘inProgress’ to true) by finding and updating the first document that that is not locked by another process (‘inProgress’ set to false and a few other conditions)
Notice the use of ‘this’ in the MongoCode Obj. I think it refers to the current Document that is being processed.
Also be aware that findAndModify only finds and modifies the first document found.