Of Google, Google and more Google with Flock and Digg added.
[pic] http://labs.google.com/papers/sawzall.html (click on the pic for a better view) The above picture shows the distribution of traffic coming to google on 14-Aug-2003. Interesting.I just had a feeling that the traffic distribution is somewhat related to anti-clockwise rotation of earth, lemme knowif I am correct. I have heaps of time available, had been submitting my…
Sania Mania- Making sense?
Sania Mirza turns 19 today I am not a big fan of tennis, I rarely idolize sports personalities, for me Birthday is just another day. But I love girls, good looking, young,intelligent, giving and achieving.So this morning when I got up and habitually looked at timesofindia, this is what I see in Indiatimes> People> Quickies,…
Dark Tale
[pic] pickettphoto.com He sat there: in his tiny little room in his tiny little apartment, he could feel the sound of the cars whizzing past on the highway near his apartment as if they were running away from someone. He imagined the cars carrying people: small, tiny people; leading an inconsequential, meaningless, tiring, boring life.…
Pics From Sydney
With Sydney Opera House in the BG. Another view of the Opera House. Harbour Bridge in the BG.
Canberra, Sydney and SRK.
[pic] Reuters SRK turns 40 today.From timesofindia.com: Even Time magazine reported on him: ‘Every film he graces is a surefire smash; every product he endorses is a bestseller; there are so many shrines to him across India, that he can launch a new religion. I might disagree, but anyway the man deserves to be praised…
Canberra-Here I come!
I am leaving to Canberra tomorrow with my friend.More than 600 Kms travel in a day, starting from Melbourne.9-10 hours journey, never been out of melbourne in the last 21/2 years that I have been in Australia.We have decided to start at 7:30 AM tomorrow and my guess is we will leave by 9:00 AM…
Torrent of bits – Cohen on Fortune
Bittorrent is hugely popular with me and my friends.I guess a lot of people use torrents.It’s creator used to live like this: First he lived off savings from the handful of jobs he’d worked during the bubble. When that ran out, he lived off credit cards, following a rigid system for applying for and transferring…
Mr President,Happy Birthday!!!
[pic] rediff.com India is a country obsessed with Film & Sports personalities; not to mention senseless politicians (read political leaders).Personally, I rarely celebrate birthdays (not to mention the don’t care attitude I have for New years day, Valentine’s day and so on). I am probably right in saying that Mr. Kalam would feel the same…
This is the message I get, when I try to access my blog: Forbidden You don’t have permission to access / on this server. C’mon google, I am leaning towards yahoo nowadays (My Web, especially, appeals to me);It is in my nature to go for the Underdog (if I can use the adjective for Yahoo)…
Interview Q1
Listen I am looking for a Job, and am applying for a customer service role among other things. I have to come up with answers for the questions that I need to answer in the interview.I know the employer wants to get the best possible candidate, but seriously the kind of questions that are asked…