2 weeks of watching movies while doing other stuff
Been wanting to write this post for a long time and finally I found the time, am not going to spend hours on this post and so the quality is not going to be good ( as with most posts, I should add).So here is the list of movies that I managed to watch and…
My status—
I am still alive! 65 million results
Cheran’s ‘Own Signature’
Autograph – The Movie as I see it — Ok, it’s 2:00 AM in the morning and hence forgive me if what I write is a meaningless blabber. –A great movie! Must view! 5 Stars! Makes you write about it when you would normally be sleeping!Cheran (the director and also the male lead in the…
Posting after a long time, I like to blog and it’s strange that I didn’t feel like posting for about a month. Another new year and the first week has been great for me, pyschologically. I have a feeling that this year is going to be great and will probably lead me into a new…
Of everything and nothing!
I was looking at my site stats and one of the visitior visited my site by searching for “a blog on everything” and getting my site link in the search results, interesting, so according to google my site is about everything! I am loving Digg, amazing and amusing, now that is a site about everything…
News and links
Been sometime since I actually posted something.I had been busy working and this new job involves no computer, I kinda like it as the only computer I can use for a long time is my Mac at home and since my 8 hours of work involves no computers, my eyes are not strained by the…
Favicon generator from an Image.
Ok, I had been wondering for a while as to how an icon shows up on the addressbar before the URL of some websites. Believe me I am not a novice webdesigner, but just that I didn’t find the time to investigate further.But thanks to this site , I realised that it has a name…
iPod Nano Price Distribution
I don’t exactly know, why I created the above chart.In case it’s not self explanatory-let me explain: the chart represents the price of iPod Nano (2GB-Black/White) in a few countries.I took price information from Apple’s International pages (except for the Indian price, which was taken from Rediff and the Currency conversion was done at XE.…
Mac machines with Intel Processors Releasing soon!
One more post from me, i am unstoppable -:), thought would share this news with everyone. Apple is most likely to launch it’s Inel based machines early next year (Jan 2006) and an ibook is going to be the first MAC (commercial) to have an Intel processor. Rumor has it that they are going to…
A game for the smarties out there!
Thanks to Digg ( a online link sharing portal) found the link to this game. Engaging and could be additctive.If you think you are smart (or intelligent or great visualisor) prove it there!I ususally suck in visualising, but got enough score to be on the Top 20 ( almost everyone at digg seem to be…