Upgrading Nginx Ingress Controller from V1.1.1 to V1.12.0
While upgrading the Nginx Ingress Controller, I encountered a few issues with the controller pod startup. Here are the problems and their solutions: 1. Cross-namespace secret is not supported If you have your mTLS CA as a secret in the namespace where the controller is deployed, you’ll face this issue. After the upgrade, the ingress…
High System CPU usage
After upgrading a webserver running Apache to Debian Jessie (from Wheezy), I noticed that the system CPU usage was higher. Running an strace on one of the Apache processes was giving me very little info: strace -c -p 10112 Process 10112 attached – interrupt to quit ^CProcess 10112 detached % time seconds usecs/call calls errors…
HHVM notes
Impressive throughput improvements (>100%) with the app that I am working on. phpinfo() doesn’t output what you would expect. xhprof output_dir doesn’t get read from ini files, need to set that up in the constructor of XHProfRuns_Default. Set hhvm.server.thread_count to a high value (>=MaxRequestWorkers), otherwise a few slow MySQL queries could bring the server to…
Keepalived instance not entering FAILED state
When a monitored interface goes down, the instance immediately enters FAILED state and the other instance gets into the MASTER state. But, if you have a script block to check – say you are monitoring HAProxy – and HAProxy goes down the MASTER will not enter FAILED state, unless you do this: Set the weight…