Author: k7

  • Tamil Movie reviews site.

    Finally, you have a site where, at a glance, one gets to read multiple tamil movie reviews. Very cool! Check it out at

  • Getting visitor location in PHP.

    I had been trying to track the location of visitors based on their IP addresses. I ran into problems earlier while trying to acheive that and gave up. Today, I Finally managed to do that. Thanks to the geodb availablehere. I hacked up a function that would accept an IP address as a parameter and…

  • Pagination issue in Pligg

    —-This post is part of my effort to document issues that I face while using Pligg.—- As the number of posts increase at (I have got nothing else to do!), I noticed something that was not right (which I kinda ignored before). As the number of posts became greater that the number of posts…

  • Shopping Deals in India

    I am currently involved with, a site where Indian Shoppers can; submit a shopping deal that they have come across in their city, vote and comment on deals submitted by others.Also I have developed a facebook app based on which is accessible here.

  • SansJ Newsletter

    I finally managed to send a newsletter to all SansJ users. It looks great, you can have a look at it here. I had been looking at Online Newsletter generating services, and, I was surprised to find that they are pretty expensive (around 10$ per month). I spent a day to create the newsletters and…

  • Customizing Pligg

    Customizing Pligg can be as simple as editing some .tpl files. If you would like to change; the name of the site, e-mail address that is used to send password reset info, RSS description and a few other things, go to the libs directory under your Pligg Installation directory and edit lang.conf (basically search for…

  • Pligg Comment Rating in Safari

    I have started using Pligg for one of my new projects and I am going to jot down the technical problems I come across while using it, for my own refernce and for the benefit of others using Pligg. One of the issues I came across was that the comment rating did not work in…

  • news.ycombinator search

    I am a regular reader of news.yc and like most people using that site, I wanted to be able to search the site. Since the site does not have an inbuilt search functionality, I created search here. Just like in SansJ, one can use the search plugin (FF and IE7 only) and search from…

  • Scriptaculous Draggable in Action.

    (If you are in a hurry, go here, that is what the post is about.) It’s finally over!! Relief followed by pride-both preceded by an Idea- pretty much summarizes my feeling now. Recently I got a HTC Touch for my dad, which, I played around with for a while.I somehow feel, that, the Input devices…

  • Internet on Wii

    I finally got my Wii to connect to my wireless network, it definitely took me some time. The error messages that I used to get when I tried to connect earlier, really did not make any sense and none of the instructions/suggestions provided at various forums/Nintendo’s help pages worked. I have Apple Airport Express (With…